
The information found in CalmingTots website (www.calmingtots.com) and through other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram serves as a educational and informational purpose only. It does not constitute professional medical or healthcare advice, and should not be used for treatment of any condition or for self diagnosis. The information contained in this website and associated social media platforms is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We would recommend you to always consult a medical practitioner or qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition and the use of the aromatherapy. 

Please be advised that CalmingTots holds no liability for any misuse of of essential oils and related products it supplies through the ecommerce website and other social media channels. 

General Safety Advice 

Essential oils are natural and is safe to use as long as they are chosen and used correctly. CalmingTots recommends the following basic rules to remember when it comes to using essential oils:

  • Always ensure that the bottle cap/top is tightly secured to avoid spillages.
  • Store essential oils in a cool and dark place, away from light and heat
  • Clean and wash hands thoroughly before and after using the essential oils.
  • Avoid all contact with eyes and mouth area.
  • Keep all essential oils/blends out of reach of children.
  • If a woman is pregnant, it is advised to use the minimum quantities of essential oils unless directed by a professional. Avoid all use during the first trimester. 
  • Never ingest essential oils unless you are certain what you are doing. 
  • Dilute, Dilute and Dilute, always remember to dilute essential oils first before applying to skin. For anyone who has skin sensitivities, we would recommend performing a patch test for any essential oils.
  • If you have a medical condition, always consult your medical practitioner to seek advice if it is safe to use aromatherapy in conjunction with your treatment. 

If you have any other queries, please reach out to us via sales@calmingtots.com and we would be glad to assist you further.